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Zwierzchowski & Nguyen

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Understanding Why the Stakes are Raised During a High Asset Divorce in California

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At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our high-asset divorce attorneys in Long Beach understand how and why the stakes are raised during these marriage dissolutions, and why they are very different from a standard divorce.

We also understand that divorce is already a complicated issue. The reality is, adding various assets and high values multiply the complexity.

The inclusion of factors such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other appreciable assets requires attention to detail and care to obtain the right settlement when the divorce is finalized.

For California spouses with these types of assets, there are multiple factors that may not affect traditional divorces that must be taken into consideration.

We can help you understand each, so you can focus on the best outcome for your unique high asset divorce circumstances.

What Factors Make a California High-Asset Divorce Different?

A high-asset divorce involves higher incomes or a larger number of shared assets than traditional couples are required to outline and divide to reach a mutually beneficial agreement to draw the marriage dissolution to a close.

High-asset divorces can include multiple assets with significant value including, but not limited to:

  • Mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, and other investments
  • Real estate investments
  • Retirement accounts
  • Art collections and other similarly high-valued collectibles
  • Businesses or private practices owned by one or both spouses
  • Jewelry

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our divorce attorneys in Los Beach and Orange County have nearly 20 years of experience outlining the high-level complexities of these cases, coupled with the greater value of each asset that necessitates diligent attention to detail.

Understanding California’s Community Property Code During a High-Asset Divorce

California’s community property code states all assets, earnings, and debts acquired throughout the marriage not including inheritances left to one spouse are owned by both spouses and must be divided equally during a divorce.

Couples with a larger number of assets have more to consider, which can complicate the divorce process if they are unable to come to an agreement outside of the courtroom.

Our Certified Family Mediators can help you protect yourself with an accurate asset valuation to protect your best interests by providing the proper resources to help you understand how the assets could be divided and what you could realistically expect to receive after the agreement is complete.

Partner with a Skilled California High-Asset Divorce Attorney

The most important step to navigating a high asset divorce in California is partnering with an experienced attorney who understands the complexity involved in these cases and is skilled in handling complicated financial issues surrounding these divorces.

Our divorce attorneys in Long Beach are available today to discuss your marital finances and any inconsistencies you believe requires a forensic financial assessment, so you can make informed decisions about the direction of your case by contacting Zwierzchowski & Nguyen at 562-426-6522 to learn more about your legal options, so you can begin planning your financial future with confidence.


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