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Zwierzchowski & Nguyen

Free Initial Consultation: 562-426-6522

Looking Forward to 2021 by Being Part of the Solution

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At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our Long Beach family lawyers, divorce attorneys, and Certified Family Mediators have spent 2020 in the same way as most California residents, juggling life through the lens of a pandemic.

We are all too familiar with alternating which parent works from home while the other takes office hours, coupled with the new responsibility of our kids’ online education formats, ongoing household responsibilities, and seemingly impossible shopping trips.

We also know that COVD-19 has increased hardships of all kinds, including unemployment spikes, increased domestic violence reports, and swelling divorce rates here and throughout the country.

This year has shown all of us what we are made of, and while the resiliency of our residents continues to inspire us, the pandemic has also shined a light on marriages that may have already known the end was near and even given rise to those who were surprised to learn that their marriage — pandemic or otherwise — was not the one they envisioned.

It is important to understand that no two marriages are alike.

What may be considered impassable boundaries for one couple, maybe routine for others?

That is not for us to judge.

We have been serving our clients in Los Angeles and Orange Counties for nearly two decades, and we are committed to being part of the solution that allows families to move forward by bringing value to their lives after divorce.

Empowering Our Clients to Build Brighter Futures

Our divorce attorneys in Long Beach want to help our clients create the possibility of transformation from a legal perspective, to ensure each person we represent that their divorce can be liberating and empowering.

As part of our family law firm’s growth, we are shifting our focus to handle cases that allow us to be part of the solution — whether you are millennials who co-own a business and have no children, or have been married for twenty years and are seeking a new start — so you can move forward with confidence.

Discover the Family Law Possibilities that Create the Best Outcome for Your Unique Needs

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our family law attorneys in Long Beach customize each approach to our clients’ complete legal needs. Whether they would like to litigate their high-asset divorce inside the courtroom or if they are non-married couples who jointly own property and need an experienced mediator who will help facilitate and promote authentic and transparent communications to craft ideal resolutions — in person or online.

Our goal is to remove the emotional stigma that accompanies all types of divorces, so the legal issues can be addressed and create new possibilities for our clients.

That means supplying our clients with a better assessment of their finances and an open exchange of legal information that educates them and levels the playing field during talks with their spouses.

Your story is important. But you are not a victim. You can firmly take control of your divorce, child custody requirements, and parenting plans, so each parent’s responsibilities are restructured, not divided.

Contact Us Now

Contact our experienced Long Beach divorce attorneys at Zwierzchowski & Nguyen today by calling 562-462-6522 to learn more about what divorce will look like for you and your family, so we can begin creating real-time solutions that lead to brighter futures.

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