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Zwierzchowski & Nguyen

Free Initial Consultation: 562-426-6522

Family Law Attorneys in Garden Grove, California

A blue sky with some clouds in the backgroundAt Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our experienced family law attorneys in Garden Grove, California are dedicated to protecting the rights of our just over 173,000 residents because we know how important it is to get quality legal representation with so much at stake.

Your family is the most important thing in your life, and when that dynamic is interrupted by divorce or child custody challenges, life can become increasingly difficult for all involved, and leaving the details to chance is not an option.

Our Orange County family lawyers want to guide you through the legal process with the tools and resources you need to make informed decisions about your future — beginning with a free consultation today.

Zwierzchowski & Nguyen Garden Grove Family Lawyer Practice Areas

For nearly twenty years, our family lawyers in Garden Grove, California have provided straightforward legal solutions for our communities, so our clients can face their futures with confidence.

We know that every one of our client’s needs is unique, which is we have meaningful conversations to learn how we can bring value to their circumstances, because what may work for you may not work for another, and we believe your future is important enough to get it right the first time.

Our Garden Grove family law attorneys focus on designing customized strategies for each of our clients in the following legal practice areas:

 If you have questions about your family’s future, whether you are seeking a divorce or want to learn more about your legal separation options, we can help you move forward with practical solutions that produce real-time results and long-term solutions, so you can get your new life started on the right track.

What is the Difference Between High-Asset Divorce and Traditional Divorce?

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our divorce attorneys in Garden Grove, California handle all types of divorces, including high-asset divorces, which differ from traditional divorces only because of the financial component.

There are often many factors to consider in high-asset divorces, including businesses, real estate holdings, multiple properties, as well as the other leading factors of child custody and financial support options for both the spouses and children.

The significance of these assets often requires our experienced high-asset divorce lawyers in Garden Grove to partner with forensic accountants, investment professionals, experts to value assets, and tax law specialists to assist in:

  • Financial Disclosure
  • Division of Assets/Debts
  • Spousal Support

If you would like to discuss your options with our experienced Garden Grove divorce lawyers, contact our office to schedule a free consultation today, so you can make an informed plan about your future, and no longer worry about the unknown.

Can I Pursue Child Custody in Garden Grove if the Divorce Was My Fault?

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our child custody attorneys in Garden Grove know that some spouses worry about their ability to share time with their kids when the other parent blames them for the divorce.

California is a no-fault divorce state, so there is technically no reason necessary to dissolve your marriage other than irreconcilable differences. However, we know that the dynamics that led to the divorce will play a role in the way the divorce proceeds through the legal system.

Our experienced divorce and child custody lawyers in Garden Grove will help remove the emotional element from your case, so you know your rights and legal options regarding where your kids live, how your parenting plans are designed, and the child support details necessary to give your kids the best life available after the divorce.

What is the Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce in Garden Grove, California?

In California, legal separation occurs when spouses decide to live separately, perhaps during a trial or extended period, depending on the circumstances of their marital discord.

When couples legally separate, they can work out the details of their property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support, but legally remain married. This means neither person may enter another marriage unless and until they seek an actual divorce.

Divorce, on the other hand, allows both parties to move forward with their lives completely after finalizing the same agreements regarding their finances and their children, when applicable while allowing them to remarry whenever they feel appropriate.

There are many personal reasons why couples would choose legal separation over divorce, including religion, values, and financial needs, and we are here to support our clients in those decisions by providing customized solutions that reflect their wishes and bring value to their lives.

Can I Finalize My Divorce through Mediation in Garden Grove, California?

Divorce through mediation is a great option for many spouses who can make decisions regarding their property division, children, and finances without requiring a judge’s intervention.

Our Certified Family Mediator in Garden Grove, California provides a welcoming space for spouses and parents to finalize their divorce or details regarding their children through convenient mediation packages that fit each client’s individual needs.

We offer both in-person and virtual mediation options that allow you and your spouse to settle your differences with an experienced professional guiding the conversation, so you can stay focused and make informed decisions about your future, without ever going to court.

Mediation is great for couples who have worked out most of their marital details, and simply need direction on how to fully finalize the agreement.

Contact Our Experienced Divorce Attorneys in Garden Grove, California Today to Schedule a Free Consultation

If you are considering divorce and have questions about what your future looks like if you proceed with filing, contact our experienced family law attorneys and Certified Family Mediator at Zwierzchowski & Nguyen today by calling 562-426-6522 to schedule a free consultation.

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