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Zwierzchowski & Nguyen

Free Initial Consultation: 562-426-6522

Family Law Attorneys in Westminster, California

A woman in fatigues hugging a little girl.For nearly two decades, our family law attorneys in Westminster, California at Zwierzchowski & Nguyen have created customized solutions for each of our clients, so they can move forward with their lives with confidence knowing they have made informed decisions about their futures.

Whether any of our over 91,000 Westminster residents are seeking prenuptial agreements to protect their futures or are pursuing divorces to start anew, our Orange County family lawyers focus on pursuing each client’s needs by first removing their legal challenges, and providing the necessary advice to ensure they understand each path their case may take before determining the best resolution.

Our family lawyers in Westminster, California provide free consultations for all, so our residents no longer face the unknown during their divorce, child custody, or other important family law needs. We provide confidence in the legal system, so our clients can move forward with their new lives with certainty.

Zwierzchowski & Nguyen Westminster, California Family Law Attorney Practice Areas

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our family lawyers in Westminster, California focus on providing our clients with real-time answers that will allow them to make decisions that meet their long-term goals.

Our family lawyers in Westminster, California represent clients in the following practice areas:

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, we are more than family law attorneys, we are advocates for each of our clients, so they know their voices are being heard and respected, beginning with our free consultations.

Is Legal Separation a Viable Alternative to Divorce in Westminster, California?

All marriages are unique, and some can sustain hardships that others would never consider.

Our divorce and legal separation lawyers in Westminster, California are not here to judge those circumstances, or your marriage, but to provide valuable solutions for each of our client’s unique needs.

For some, that need is legal separation instead of divorce.

Often, couples may seek legal separation as an alternative to divorce for many reasons, including:

  • Religious beliefs
  • Keeping their families together when they have minor children
  • Maintaining health insurance and other benefits that would be terminated after a divorce
  • Personal principles or values that prohibit divorce

Legal separation allows married couples to divide their lives through solutions regarding property division, alimony, and child custody and support, just as a divorce would but stops short of an actual divorce.

That means neither spouse may remarry while they are legally separated. Only a divorce will give them the ability to move forward with another marital relationship.

How Can a Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement Help Protect My Future?

Years ago, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements carried a stigma that divided the request into two categories.

First, they were considered documents that were reserved for the rich and famous. As contracts designed to protect the assets of the super-wealthy against any preying partners who were after more than just their love and affection.

Then prenuptial and postnuptial agreements were viewed as divorce plans.

In short, many people — especially those who were asked to sign the document — believed their soon-to-be-spouse was saying, “When we get divorced, you are not getting anything of mine.” This take on the important agreements caused significant resistance in signing.

Now, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are not just for the rich or famous, or those who want to keep what is theirs after a divorce.

Two main factors are driving an uptick in prenups in the U.S.

First, couples are waiting to get married, which means they are accumulating more assets, and possibly debt, before they combine their lives. These couples are more likely to own homes or businesses on their own before becoming engaged or have significant student loans or other debt their soon-to-be-spouse would rather not be burdened with.

The second reason is that millennials are often children of divorces themselves, who watched the disputes between their parents unfold first-hand, which makes them predisposed to protect their interests.

No matter the reason, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements allow all couples to start their marriages with full disclosure, so they know everything they can about their spouse before saying I do.

What Happens During Divorce Proceedings in Westminster, California?

No matter your age, race, or gender, all divorce proceedings begin in the same way: Someone must file a divorce petition.

After that, the process is unique to each couple.

Some spouses can outline the details of their divorces, including property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support during mediation sessions that are designed to produce solutions for couples who can negotiate their marriage dissolution in private and without the court’s interference.

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our Certified Family Mediator leads both divorce mediation and parenting mediation sessions — in person or online, depending on each couple’s preference — that provides the resources and tools couples need to make informed decisions about their futures with confidence, so they can put their divorce behind them without going to court.

When couples cannot agree on the details of their divorce during mediation — or simply will not even consider it — which is often common in high-conflict and high-asset divorces, our Westminster divorce lawyers will outline our client’s case using the details we acquire throughout our investigation to present customized solutions for their unique case.

These divorces often unfold inside the courtroom, and our skilled divorce litigation attorneys will be ready to fight for our clients’ rights and legal options, pursue their goals, and allow them to move forward with confidence.

Contact Our Skilled Divorce Lawyers in Westminster, California at Zwierzchowski & Nguyen Today to Schedule a Free Consultation

If you have questions about family law matters and need to connect with an experienced divorce, child custody, or financial support attorney to understand your rights and legal options, contact our experienced family law attorneys and Certified Family Mediator at Zwierzchowski & Nguyen at 562-426-6522 to schedule a free consultation today.

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